23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (2024)

Are you looking for delightful and imaginative bulletin board ideas to kick off the month of August in your preschool classroom? Look no further!

Bulletin boards are an excellent way to engage young learners, foster their creativity, and create a vibrant and inviting learning environment.

With August marking the beginning of a new school year, it’s the perfect time to introduce fresh and exciting themes that will captivate your preschoolers’ imaginations.

Now, we have gathered August bulletin board ideas for preschoolers.

“Bookworms Corner” –

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August is an ideal time to promote literacy and a love for reading. Create a bulletin board titled “Bookworms Corner” and display pictures or illustrations of books, reading nooks, or cozy corners. Engage the children in discussions about the joy of reading, favorite books, or characters they love. Encourage them to create their own book covers or bookmarks, using materials like colored paper, stickers, or yarn. Display their creations on the bulletin board, creating a cozy and inviting space that celebrates the magic of books and encourages a love for reading.

“All About Me” –

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August is a time of new beginnings and getting to know one another in the preschool setting. Design a bulletin board titled “All About Me” where each child can showcase their unique characteristics and interests. Provide pre-cut silhouette shapes of children and have the preschoolers decorate them to resemble themselves. Alongside their silhouettes, ask them to add drawings or pictures that represent their favorite hobbies, foods, or family members. This activity promotes self-expression, fosters a sense of belonging, and encourages social interaction as children share and learn about each other.

“Counting with Nature” –

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August offers an abundance of natural materials that can be used for a counting-themed bulletin board. Create a large tree shape on the board and invite the children to collect fallen leaves, pinecones, or even small twigs during outdoor playtime. Back in the classroom, provide containers labeled with numbers and ask the children to place the corresponding number of natural items in each container. For example, five leaves in the container labeled “5.” This activity reinforces counting skills, introduces the concept of numerals, and connects children to the wonders of nature.

Related: 20 Exciting and Engaging Prone Position Activity for Kids

“Exploring Colors” –

August is a wonderful time to explore colors with preschoolers. Set up a “Colorful Creations” bulletin board where children can create and display their own artwork based on a specific color each week. Assign a color to each week and provide a variety of art materials in that color, such as colored pencils, paint, and construction paper. Encourage the children to create pictures or collages using only the assigned color, and display their masterpieces on the bulletin board. This activity promotes color recognition, encourages creativity, and provides an opportunity for self-expression.

“Community Helpers” –

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August is an ideal time to introduce preschoolers to the concept of community helpers and the important roles they play in society. Create a bulletin board titled “Community Helpers” and feature different professions throughout the month. Display pictures or illustrations of firefighters, doctors, teachers, police officers, and more, along with a brief description of their job. Engage the children in discussions about community helpers, their roles, and how they contribute to our daily lives. This activity promotes social awareness, and vocabulary development, and encourages respect for those who serve our community.

Related: 20 Exciting Positional Words Activities

“ABC Adventure” –

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Turn your bulletin board into a fun and interactive alphabet adventure! Create individual letter cards and place them on the board, jumbled or in order. Each day, introduce a letter and encourage the children to bring in objects from home that start with that letter. Add the objects to the bulletin board next to the corresponding letter. This activity promotes letter recognition, phonics awareness, and vocabulary development while sparking curiosity and engagement.

“Marvelous Mini Beasts” –

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August is a month teeming with fascinating insects and bugs. Design a bulletin board titled “Marvelous Mini Beasts” and feature different insects each week. Provide pictures or illustrations of butterflies, ladybugs, bees, and other common bugs, along with interesting facts about them. Engage the children in a discussion about insects, their characteristics, and their importance in the ecosystem. Encourage the children to create their own bug-themed artwork to display alongside the information. This activity promotes curiosity about the natural world, fine motor skills, and knowledge of different creatures.

“Healthy Habits” –

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August is a great time to reinforce healthy habits and personal hygiene routines. Create a bulletin board titled “Healthy Habits” and divide it into sections dedicated to different aspects of personal care, such as brushing teeth, washing hands, and eating nutritious foods. Provide pictures or visual aids depicting these habits and invite the children to contribute by drawing or coloring their own representations. Engage the children in discussions about the importance of these habits and encourage them to share their personal experiences. This activity promotes health awareness, fine motor skills, and self-care routines.

“Musical Masterpieces” –

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August is a great time to explore music and rhythm in the preschool classroom. Create a bulletin board titled “Musical Masterpieces” and display pictures or illustrations of different musical instruments or notes. Engage the children in discussions about music, rhythm, and the sounds different instruments make. Encourage them to create their own musical instruments using recycled materials or draw and color their favorite instruments. Display their artwork on the bulletin board, creating a colorful display that celebrates the joy of music and encourages creativity.

“Celebrating Diversity” –

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August is an ideal time to introduce the concept of diversity and celebrate the unique qualities of each child in your preschool classroom. Create a bulletin board titled “Celebrating Diversity” and encourage the children to bring in family photos or draw portraits of themselves and their loved ones. Display these pictures along with labels indicating the children’s names and family members’ names. Engage the children in conversations about different families, cultures, and traditions. This activity promotes inclusivity, respect for differences, and a sense of belonging within the classroom community.

“Shape Sorting Safari” –

23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (11)

August provides an opportunity to reinforce shape recognition skills in a fun and interactive way. Create a bulletin board titled “Shape Sorting Safari” and feature different animals and objects that represent various shapes. Cut out large shapes from colored paper and attach pictures or illustrations of animals or objects that match each shape. Encourage the children to participate in a shape sorting activity by placing the animal or object pictures onto the correct shape on the bulletin board. This activity promotes shape recognition, fine motor skills, and critical thinking.

“Shapes Around Us” –

23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (12)

Introduce preschoolers to the world of shapes through a bulletin board activity titled “Shapes Around Us.” Display various shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles, on the board. Encourage the children to find and bring in objects from their surroundings that represent different shapes. They can create shape collages or draw and label the objects they find. Add their creations to the bulletin board alongside the corresponding shapes. This activity promotes shape recognition, critical thinking, and visual discrimination skills.

“Our Growing Garden” –

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August is a great time to explore the concept of gardening and plant growth. Create a bulletin board titled “Our Growing Garden” and display pictures or illustrations of different plants, flowers, and vegetables. Engage the children in discussions about the plant life cycle, parts of a plant, and the importance of caring for plants. Encourage them to draw or create their own flowers or vegetables using art materials. Display their artwork on the bulletin board and create a collaborative garden scene. This activity promotes knowledge of the natural world, creativity, and an appreciation for the environment.

“Transportation Exploration” –

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August is an excellent opportunity to introduce the theme of transportation to preschoolers. Design a bulletin board titled “Transportation Exploration” and display pictures or illustrations of various vehicles, such as cars, buses, trains, and planes. Encourage the children to create their own transportation-themed artwork using materials like paper, crayons, and craft sticks. Add their creations to the bulletin board and engage them in discussions about different modes of transportation, their purposes, and how they help us get from one place to another. This activity promotes vocabulary development, fine motor skills, and understanding of different forms of transportation.

“Embracing Emotions” –

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August is a time of adjustment and new experiences, making it important to focus on emotional well-being. Create a bulletin board titled “Embracing Emotions” and display pictures or illustrations representing various emotions, such as happy, sad, excited, or calm. Engage the children in discussions about different emotions, what they mean, and how they can express them in healthy ways. Encourage the children to create their own emotion-themed artwork using materials like colored paper, markers, and glue. Display their creations on the bulletin board to foster a safe space for emotional exploration and expression.

“Weather Watchers” –

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August is a great time to introduce preschoolers to different weather conditions. Create a bulletin board titled “Weather Watchers” and display pictures or illustrations representing various types of weather, such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, or windy. Engage the children in discussions about different weather patterns and their characteristics. Encourage them to create their own weather-themed artwork using materials like cotton balls for clouds, construction paper for raindrops, or yellow paper for the sun. Display their creations on the bulletin board to foster an understanding and appreciation of different weather conditions.

“Inventors’ Workshop” –

23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (17)

August is a month of new beginnings, making it a perfect time to inspire creativity and innovation in preschoolers. Design a bulletin board titled “Inventors’ Workshop” and display pictures or illustrations of famous inventors and their inventions. Engage the children in discussions about inventions and their importance in our daily lives. Encourage them to brainstorm and draw their own imaginative inventions on paper. Display their artwork on the bulletin board, celebrating their creative thinking and fostering a sense of curiosity and problem-solving skills.

“Storybook Favorites” –

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August is an ideal time to celebrate the joy of reading and storytelling. Create a bulletin board titled “Storybook Favorites” and display pictures or illustrations of popular children’s books. Encourage the children to bring in their favorite books from home or borrow them from the classroom library. Invite them to create artwork or write brief book reviews to showcase on the bulletin board. This activity promotes literacy skills, encourages a love for reading, and provides an opportunity for children to share their favorite stories with their peers.

“Healthy Snack Stars” –

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August is a great time to reinforce healthy eating habits. Create a bulletin board titled “Healthy Snack Stars” and feature pictures or illustrations of different nutritious snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, or yogurt. Engage the children in discussions about the importance of healthy eating and encourage them to bring in pictures or drawings of their favorite healthy snacks. Display their artwork on the bulletin board, creating a colorful display of nutritious choices. This activity promotes healthy habits, vocabulary development, and an appreciation for wholesome foods.

“Back to School Goals” –

23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (20)

August marks the beginning of a new school year, making it a great time for children to set goals and aspirations. Design a bulletin board titled “Back to School Goals” and provide materials like paper and markers. Engage the children in discussions about their hopes, dreams, and what they would like to achieve during the school year. Encourage them to write or draw their goals on paper and display them on the bulletin board. This activity promotes goal-setting skills, self-reflection, and a sense of ownership over their learning journey.


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23 Creative August Bulletin Board Ideas for Preschool Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (2024)


How do you make a creative bulletin board? ›

Make it interactive and engaging if you want students to pay attention to your bulletin board. For this, you can use fabric clips, colorful sketch pens, and even create different pockets to store information. All in all, use your creativity to make your bulletin board as interactive as possible.

What is bulletin board in preschool? ›

Preschool bulletin boards help teachers convey different news and information to preschoolers or can introduce a learning activity. Bulletin boards can also be interactive and play a major role in encouraging children to express their creativity through drawing, writing, or painting.

What makes a good bulletin board? ›

Use vibrant colors, high-quality images, and visually appealing fonts to make your bulletin board visually engaging. Consider incorporating borders, headings, and 3D elements to add depth and interest. If your institution has an RA resource room, you can likely access a lot of the materials there.

How do you make bulletin board letters stand out? ›

If you have a smaller bulletin board or don't want to print as much, adjust the size until you can fit a few letters on the same page. Opt for a bold font to help the letter stand out and make them easier to cut out later.

How do I make my display board look good? ›

Make it Easy to Understand – Use clear sub-titles and simple captions to make your point. Make it Attractive – Use photos, illustrations and 3-D objects to keep your display exciting and enticing to others. Use Your Imagination – Paints, markers, crayons and poster board will add impact to your display.

What is the bulletin board answer? ›

A bulletin board is a board which is usually attached to a wall in order to display notices giving information about something. A bulletin board is a computing system that enables users to send and receive messages of general interest. The bulletin board provided a forum for investors to exchange news.

What is bulletin board example? ›

A bulletin board (pinboard, pin board, noticeboard, or notice board in British English) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information.

What can I use instead of bulletin board paper? ›

Use fabric instead of paper to cover your bulletin board.

Fabric will not fad as quickly as paper and it also does not tear. With fabric, staple holes are not as visible when you change out your designs. Ribbon is also a great substitute for traditional paper borders.

What is an interactive bulletin board? ›

You'll find examples of interactive bulletin boards like this one all over Pinterest. The concept is basic: Post notes with encouraging and kind words on a board for students to grab when they need to be lifted up. Provide paper for them to add their own kind words for others too.

When creating a bulletin board what is the first thing you should choose? ›

Hack #1 – Choose a neutral backdrop for the whole year.

Let's talk bulletin board backgrounds. Sure, it's cute to change out the colors for different holidays, but honestly, who has time for all of that?! Not to mention that huge butcher paper roll is a beast to manage yourself!

What are the 4 general purposes of bulletin board? ›

Bulletin boards are typically used in four different ways - decorative, display, informative, and interactive. They each have distinct functions and require different levels of planning and effort to set up.

How do I choose a bulletin board? ›

What should I look for in a Bulletin Board?
  1. Measure your space. Before you head out to the store, make sure you measure the area of the wall on which you'll be hanging your new board. ...
  2. Know your brands. ...
  3. Think about what type of surface you want. ...
  4. Combination boards. ...
  5. Price and warranty. ...
  6. Buy it!

How do I make an interactive display board? ›

Turning your whiteboard into a smart board is simpler than it seems. After applying Projector Whiteboard Wallpaper and securing your projector, connect it to your computer. Use interactive software to enable touch capabilities, and that's it. You've turned your whiteboard into a smart board.

What do you use to decorate a bulletin board? ›

Most classroom bulletin boards use solid-colored butcher paper. This hides the corkboard and make it look more colorful. You can be more creative and use wrapping paper or colorful fabric instead. Wrapping paper is great because it adds a lot of texture and pattern.

What is a decorative bulletin board? ›

Aesthetic boards are a great learning tool for children who are visual learners, as they help them visualize what is being told. Most classrooms use a decorative bulletin board to display a theme such as seasons, holidays, or welcome back-to-school notes.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.