Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (2024)

updated: March 16, 2023

Stephen A. Hanco*ck

Are you looking for the best robot vacuum cleaner in 2023 along with reviews? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (2)

  • Mops
  • Robot Vacuum Reviews

Imagine this: it’s Friday, and you’re dead tired and mentally drained because of a long and grueling day at the office. You’re thinking of all the things you need to do once you finally walk through the door of your home.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (3)

These things include making a grocery list for tomorrow’s shopping, sending out invitations for your son’s birthday party, and cleaning all the dirt, dog fur, crumbs, and other debris that seem to accumulate on your carpets and hard floors magically. However, because you suddenly remember you bought a vacuum robot, you realize you won’t need to do the last one.

Your chore list just got slashed by one-third!

Our Top Picks for the Best Robotic Vacuums in 2023

We select, test, review and suggest the best products. We may earn a commission, if you buy something through our links.

If you want to spend your precious weekends doing more enjoyable things than cleaning every square inch of your home, consider investing in a robotic vacuum cleaner. Buying a robot sweeper means that you can semi-retire your old-fashioned upright or canister model. That’s because with an automatic vacuum hungrily sucking up all the filth on your hard floors and carpeting, manual vacuuming will be something you only do occasionally (if at all).

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (13)

Robot Vacuums Boast a Bizzying Number of High-Tech Features

Once upon a time, cleaning robots were primitive things, doing little more than randomly moving around your house and clumsily banging into furniture. Nowadays, auto vacuums boast a dizzying array of features. These include sophisticated navigation systems to create detailed maps of your home, self-emptying bins that ensure that allergy sufferers aren’t exposed to dust, and even onboard cameras so you can use your device as a security system.

In an era where everyone is stressed out and overwhelmed to the nth degree, anything you can do to take back even a smidgeon of your time is to be cherished. That’s why sweeper vacuums have become an indispensable part of so many people’s cleaning arsenal these days.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (14) <

Autonomous operation makes a robot vacuum the great cleaning tool

Robotic vacuum cleaners can reach deeply into areas where more conventional vacuum cleaners can’t, such as underneath low-hanging furniture. That way, you won’t need to move your couch or dining room table if you want to clean under them. Robotic vacuum cleaners mean individuals who haven’t cleaned certain places in years because they’re so challenging to get to now have a dependable cleaning buddy to do this unpleasant chore.

Best Robot Vacuums 2023: Review and Ratings

1Most autonomous

Consummate multitasker with all the bells and whistles you need.

If you’re looking for an exceptional two-in-one vacuum/mop robot, consider the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra. It’s a quantum leap in the evolution of robotic cleaning machines. Prior to the appearance of the S7 MaxV Ultra on the technological stage, hybrid machines, while being more or less autonomous, were missing crucial functionality that would have made them satisfyingly hands free.

With some groundbreaking features no other machine on the market has, the S7 MaxV Ultra has changed all that.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (18)The Good

For starters, it can empty its own dustbin, wash its own pad after mopping, and refill its water tank when it runs out. Your trusty bot carries out all these actions with minimal intervention from you.

An added bonus is you don’t need to do any prep beforehand—unlike many other robotic cleaning machines. This means you won’t have to pick up objects the unit might see as obstacles, such as kids’ toys or socks.

That’s because the S7 MaxV Ultra has one of the best obstacle avoidance systems ever devised.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (19)The Not-So-Good

Some users have had the curious experience of the unit thinking that shadows are actual objects that must be avoided at all costs. This might be due to an algorithm that needs a little tweaking.

Nonreusable bags collect dirt and debris instead of a reusable dustbin. In future iterations of this model, that should be changed. That would make owning the unit a little more cost-effective with less environmental impact.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (20)What Customers Say

Lots of users are impressed with how intelligent the Roborock S7 MaxV is compared to other robotic cleaning machines. The unit creates a granular map of every level of your home in both 3D and 2D. You can access this data to clean a specific area instead of an entire floor and to create no-go zones, among other things.

Other customers love that the unit has plenty of power to take care of all their vacuuming and mopping needs. With 5100 Pa of suction and the innovative use of sonic vibration technology, your floors will never look cleaner!

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (21)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (22)

    Roborock S7 MaxV Plus

    Price: High

    The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra comes with the empty wash fill dock, while the Plus only has the more basic auto-empty dock. The auto-empty dock doesn’t wash the mop pads, whereas the empty wash fill dock does. The auto-empty dock doesn’t have the ability to clean itself. On the other hand, the empty wash fill dock does. Lastly, unlike the empty wash fill dock, the auto-empty dock doesn’t have a reservoir that automatically fills the onboard water tank.

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (23)

    Roborock S7 MaxV

    Price: Average

    The only difference between the Roborock S7 MaxV and the Ultra is that the latter comes with the empty wash fill dock. This means that you’ll have to empty the onboard dustbin and dirty water tank and wash the mopping cloth yourself instead of having the dock do it for you. If you’d rather things be more autonomous, consider getting the Ultra. The time and energy you save will more than make up for the added cost.

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2Most cutting-edge features

Innovative sonic technology for a superior clean.

The Roborock S7+ is a vacuuming and mopping combo machine with a dizzying array of features that’ll appeal to anyone who’s sick and tired of manually cleaning floors. Leading-edge LiDAR mapping, seamless integration with an intuitive app, and innovative mop-lifting capabilities make it a cinch to keep your floors sparkling clean at all times.

Pet owners will love the way it sucks up all the hair shed by their furry companions.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (29)The Good

The Roborock has an unparalleled ability to intelligently make its way through your home. In fact, this exceptional cleaning droid is such a quick learner, it’s able to map your entire residence during its few first cleaning cycles.

The unit comes with super sensitive sensors that prevent it from falling down stairs, thus preventing a costly mechanical disaster. When its high-tech sensors lightly brush up against an obstacle, the machine turns around and heads in another direction, eliminating furniture damage.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (30)The Not-So-Good

According to manufacturer’s guidelines, you’re only allowed to put pure water into the tank—not a commercial cleaning solution. While the Roborock is pretty good at keeping your home spic and span, imagine how much better it would be if it was designed to be used with a liquid stronger than water.

Unfortunately, there’s no notification to alert you when the water tank is empty.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (31)What Customers Say

Customers all over the country are ecstatic about how incredibly easy the app is to use. The intuitive interface gives them unprecedented control over their machine, such as establishing no-go zones for areas of their home that are too treacherous for their little cleaning buddy.

Other buyers love the exceptional suction of the Roborock. At 25000Pa, the machine has sufficient power to clean every square inch of a home’s floors.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (32)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (33)

    Roborock S7

    Price: High

    The Roborock S7 hybrid robot vacuum and mop is an impressive clean machine, featuring sonic mopping technology, powerful 2500PA of maximum suction, and an array of intelligent mapping and navigational features. The Roborock S7 is without self-empty dock. This means that you’ll have to empty the onboard dustbin yourself instead of having the dock do it for you. Read more >

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3Premium and Powerful Cleaner

Top of the line technology for hands-off, thorough performance.

iRobot’s newest Roomba is quickly becoming a fan favorite. With several design upgrades, a self-emptying bin, and its ability to pair up with a robot mop — floor cleaning has never been this automated. It offers an array of innovative features many robot vacuums simply don’t offer. Thanks to its powerful cleaning capability, we readily recommend this as one the best options for pet owners. Unfortunately, this premium product also comes with a premium price tag.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (39)The Good

The unique D-shape and corner brushes allow the s9+ to clean corners better than any Roomba before it. A HEPA-style filter and fully sealed dustbin keep allergens safely contained. Unlike previous models, the s9+ doesn’t avoid dark flooring or rugs. Improved suction power and better brush rollers helps it deep clean almost anything, even thick carpeting.

The s9 is also compatible with iRobot’s Braava Jet m6 robotic mop. The robot can be controlled through the iHOME app, or by using voice commands through Alexa or Google Assistant.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (40)The Not-So-Good

It’s one of the more costly options on our list, so it won’t fit the average homeowner’s budget. There’s no carry handle for easy transporting between rooms or floor levels. Given its advanced nature, it may not be the best option for those who aren’t tech-savvy or who have poor WiFi.

The corner brushes tend to wear out quickly, especially on thicker carpeting. It’s also fairly loud, especially when emptying at it’s Clean Base. Maps can also not be shared between older models or with the Braava Jet m6 mop.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (41)What Customers Say

Customers absolutely love the self-emptying bin and the extra degree of autonomy it provides. They also love the improved suction and better carpet cleaning capability. Pet owners were impressed with this machine for how much hair it picked up without getting clogged, and without them having to empty the bin themselves.

Early adopters who purchased the first round of s9 robots have had some issues with software bugs. Several complained that the corner brushes wore out quickly. Many felt it took a bit too long for the s9 to autonomously learn floor plans.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (42)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (43)

    iRobot Roomba i7+

    Price: High

    The Roomba i7+ is the first robot vacuum capable of emptying its own dustbin. With a battery run time of up to 90 minutes, the i7 covers a lot of ground while picking up a ton of hair and other debris that can clog other vacuums. With Imprint Smart-Mapping, the i7 learns your floor plan in just 2 to 3 cycles, seamlessly avoiding furniture and other obstacles. The iHOME app gives you an infinite array of control possibilities from scheduling times, choosing rooms, creating maps, and more.

    Find out more with our detailed review of the iRobot Roomba i7+ >

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4Set-It and Forget-It Convenience

Self-cleaning and self-emptying autonomous cleaning machine.

The Shark IQ Robot XL offers an impressive host of innovative features that help it stand out among previous and competing machines. It comes with deep cleaning capability thanks to improved suction and a self-cleaning brushroll. Shark’s IQ Navigation technology intelligently maps out your floor plan as it cleans, while row-by-row cleaning offers better coverage than previous models. It is compatible with the SharkClean app, as well as both Alexa and Google Assistant.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (49)The Good

This robot was designed with tackling tougher tasks in mind. Enhanced suction capability and a redesigned self-cleaning brushroll excel at cleaning long hair, making it a great option for animal lovers. Its bagless, self-emptying bin allows you to forget about the dustbin for up to a month of continuous cleaning.

Recharge and Resume technology allows your Shark IQ Robot XL to pick up cleaning right where it left off after returning to its base to charge.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (50)The Not-So-Good

The Shark IQ Robot XL tends to have some difficulty with mapping, although there are some workarounds online that may help. The navigation may occasionally run into problems as well, with some finding the device stuck or having issues returning to its base. This is a noticeably audible machine, becoming particularly loud on hardwood flooring.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (51)What Customers Say

Customers love the self-emptying feature, freeing them from needing to babysit their machine just to make sure it’s not full again. People are also big fans of it’s impressive deep-cleaning capabilities, particularly pet owners. They say the machine is particularly effective at cleaning longer hair thanks to it’s impressive suction, but that they don’t need to worry about it wrapping and clogging the machine thanks to it’s self-cleaning brush.

There are a number of users that state their vacuum is fairly loud when in operation, particularly on harder surfaces such as tile and hardwood. While praised by some, there are a number of users that have noticed problems with the mapping and navigation as well.

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5Best for the price

yeedi vac x

  • Robust suction of 3000Pa;
  • Budget-friendly price point;
  • Innovative tracking sensors prevent collisions;
  • Drop sensors prevent falls;
  • Ability to establish virtual boundaries.

9.5 Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (55)

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Price range: Low | More Info

Superb entry-level robo-vac with impressive features.

Robotic vacuum cleaners have made enormous strides in the last several years. Cutting-edge features such as advanced algorithms powering a state-of-the art electronic brain, laser-enabled navigational systems, and more suction power than ever often don’t come cheap. However, the yeedi Vac X has the functionality of a robo-vacuum that costs twice as much. In fact, it’s one of the best robotic cleaning machines you can buy at this price point.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (57)The Good

Nobody wants to do more house cleaning than they need to. When you buy this affordable yet highly effective robotic cleaner, you’ll enjoy the exquisite freedom of doing things a little more meaningful than housework.

Pet owners will particularly love the yeedi Vac X. That’s because with 300 Pa of suction, your home will no longer be so plagued with so much pet hair that it looks like a huge doggie stuffed animal exploded.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (58)The Not-So-Good

yeedi’s voice is a bit too loud, even when you have it on the lowest setting. If this is potentially a deal breaker for you, you’ll be ecstatic to find out that there’s a way to switch it off. The dustbin could probably be a tad bigger. If it was, you wouldn’t have to empty it so much.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (59)What Customers Say

Parents of infants love how effectively the yeedi Vac X sucks up all the snack crumbs their babies invariably drop all over the place. Because parenting is a thankless job that’s a lot of work, these individuals are beyond grateful that there’s a way to cut down their workload—even if it’s only a little bit.

Other users like how the unit can be upgraded by adding a mopping module or a self-emptying dock. These two features make an already superb unit even better.

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6Highly Compatible Cleaner

Advanced robotic cleaner boasts wide compatibility.

The Roomba i7 by iRobot is one of the more innovative cleaning robots released over the last several years. It offers a rich feature-set, as well as a broad range of compatibility with accessories such as iRobot’s iHome app or their Braava robotic mop. Thanks to a high-efficiency filter and dual multi-surface brushes the i7 makes a solid choice for homes with pets as well.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (65)The Good

This is a powerful machine, boasting an impressive triple-stage cleaning system and over 10 times the suction power over the Roomba 600 series. iRobot’s proprietary Imprint technology not only intelligently maps out your home as it cleans, but allows your i7 to synchronize with a Braava robotic mop to clean your home efficiently together.

The i7’s dual rubber brushes won’t get tangled cleaning pet hair, while its filter manages to trap up to 99% of dog and cat allergens.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (66)The Not-So-Good

While the smart mapping capabilities are a nice addition, the i7 may still occasionally run into issues navigating your home. It’s not designed for cleaning high-pile rugs, and may struggle greatly on shag carpeting. The onboard bin is fairly shallow, and may need to be emptied before a cleaning cycle is completed.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (67)What Customers Say

People are impressed by the powerful cleaning capability of this vacuum, particularly former Roomba owners who notice the direct improvement over previous models. People also enjoy the broad range of compatibility offered, such as being able to control the robot through the iHome app, as well as through voice commands with Alexa and Google Assistant.

Users have reported a few issues with the intelligent mapping not actually being followed. On top of that, several people have stated that their i7 can become easily stuck or lost.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (68)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (69)

    iRobot Roomba E5

    Price: Average

    The Roomba e5 offers solid performance with the capacity for powerful cleaning. Roomba’s triple-stage cleaning system effectively cleans dust and debris, while its efficient filter traps allergens and keeps them out of your home. Dirt detection sensors automatically detect soil and the robot can adjust its cleaning capability to tackle it. It boasts long battery life and strong suction to thoroughly clean your entire home. It also features a shallow profile, making it an excellent choice for homes with lower-clearance furniture.

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (70)

    iRobot Roomba 960

    Price: High

    The Roomba 960 is a solid mid-level offering in iRobot’s 900 series of robotic vacuum cleaners. It features effective battery life of up to 75 minutes, while also delivering Roomba’s triple-stage cleaning system and having up to 5 times the suction power of the 600 series. iAdapt navigation technology tracks where the robot has cleaned and helps it intelligently avoid obstacles. The Roomba 960 makes a great budget-conscious offering for almost any home.

    Read more in our complete review of the Roomba 960 >

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7Sleek and Silent Affordable Powerhouse

Sleek, silent, and powerful cleaning machine.

The eufy Robovac 30C MAX offers improved performance, delivering impressive suction while running quieter than before. It features a gorgeous sleek design that almost looks futuristic, yet still offers powerful cleaning capability. It has been engineered with a low profile, so it can easily glide and clean under most furniture in your home. The Robovac 30C MAX manages to pack many modern features into a slick frame at a price affordable to most homeowners.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (76)The Good

This is quite a powerful robotic vacuum, delivering an impressive 2000 Pa of suction power. It also features BoostIQ technology, which automatically increases suction power when needed for those stubborn cleanup jobs. It comes with boundary strips included so you can section off areas of your home, ensuring you’re only cleaning where you need to. This machine is also surprisingly quiet thanks to it’s brushless motor.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (77)The Not-So-Good

It’s triple-brush design easily collects debris, but can be hard to clean. The robot may have occasional issues with navigation, and may get stuck unexpectedly or sporadically hit an obstacle. In addition to that, this is a model that does not automatically map your home. The dock is fairly light, so it’s best to have it set against a wall to prevent sliding when docking.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (78)What Customers Say

People tend to be really impressed with the solid feature set offered at this price point. Many are surprised by how quiet the machine is when running, with some users forgetting it’s even there — until they see the results. Users also enjoy modern conveniences such as Alexa and Google Assistant integration, as well as it’s self-docking feature when the battery is low and how it picks up where it left off when charged.

There are a number of people unsatisfied with the navigation at times, especially with its tendency to get stuck on cords and other smaller objects. There are also users who complain that these problems may be exacerbated when trying to use the robot in a larger home.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (79)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (80)

    eufy RoboVac 11S MAX

    Price: Low

    This upgraded version of the RoboVac 11S boosts suction power from 1300 to an impressive 2000 Pa, making it better at cleaning carpets than before. Increased power means this robot will be a little louder, being about as loud as an average conversation. The dustbin’s wider wind tunnel and inclined filter help it hold more debris than its predecessor. The 11S Max has the same profile as the 11S, as well as the same simple operation with no room mapping or app control.

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (81)

    eufy RoboVac 11S Slim

    Price: Low

    This slimline version of the Robovac 11S features a sleek design and low profile, coming in it at only 2.85 inches. It can run up to 100 minutes, and features a generous 0.6L dustbin that should finish most jobs. It also runs quieter than most, while still managing to reach an impressive 1300 Pa of suction force. This cleaner manages to offer impressive features at a generous price.

    You can read more about the Robovac 11S in our extended review here >

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8Multi-Surface and Multi-Function Cleaning

Redefining hard surface to carpet cleaning using innovative artificial intelligence.

The Coredy R750 robotic vacuum cleaner combines smart technology with quality components to deliver an impressive multi-surface cleaning experience. With an upgraded washable HEPA-style filter, it captures a range of dust and particles that make it a solid option for homes with pets. The R750’s dual hall sensors can detect boundary strips to only clean predefined areas. Meanwhile, the Coredy R750’s delivers super-deep cleaning capability thanks to the notable 1600Pa vacuum that increases to a whopping 2000Pa when in boost mode.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (86)The Good

The Coredy R750 Robotic Cleaner is engineered to intelligently clean both carpet and hard surface areas. The R750’s included smartphone app is excellent, allowing you to create a schedule as well as set the current cleaning mode. With an impressive 2600mAh Li-ion battery, the Coredy robotic vacuum can clean your home or office for up to 120 minutes per charge.

This model has been upgraded with cutting-edge anti-collision technology that helps the R750 to evade obstacles. It is also equipped with a drop-sensing technology that allows it to avoid falls.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (87)The Not-So-Good

The Coredy R750 doesn’t perform well when vacuuming thick carpeting, and may become stuck. Though its 1600 Pa of suction power is impressive for a vacuum of this size, it may have issues loosening up dirt and grime within dense surfaces.

It is also important to note that this is a model of robotic vacuum that may encounter issues navigating darker surfaces. Additionally, because of its size, the dustbin fills up quickly compared to larger vacuums.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (88)What Customers Say

Many customers love the impressive multi-functionality of the Coredy R750 Vacuum cleaner, with the ability to vacuum and mop as needed. Other customers appreciate the included remote and voice-enabled app that provide total control over your cleaning experience.

Some people reported issues working on black carpets, due to a malfunction with the sensor. However, most customers love the Coredy R750’s virtual boundary system, which stops it colliding into walls, appliances, or dropping from elevated platforms.

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9Feature-Packed yet Price-Conscious

Affordable and advanced multi-function cleaning capability.

The Cybovac E31 by Kyvol is quite the impressive option, delivering many advanced features while remaining affordable to most homeowners. This is a multi-functional machine, meaning it sweeps, vacuums, and mops the messes in your home. The navigation system is driven by a gyroscope, delivering enhanced cleaning with more accurate routing than competitors. A combination of multi-functionality, impressive runtime, and a generous dustbin allow you to forget about cleaning and focus on living.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (94)The Good

This machine is both remarkably powerful and durable, making it capable of cleaning your whole home. It offers an impressive 2200 Pa of suction power, tackling almost any mess you can throw at it. Considering the suction performance, this device runs remarkably quiet. The battery is capable of running up to a lengthy 150 minutes, and intelligently navigates back to base on its own to recharge. The navigation is solid, and tends to run into few issues navigating your home.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (95)The Not-So-Good

While the navigation is effective the machine fails to distinguish between carpeting and hard surfaces, meaning it may end up eventually accidentally mopping your carpet. The mop feature is a welcome addition, it tends to be less effective than dedicated robotic mopping options. It features a single brush design, which impacts some of the potential performance this device could offer.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (96)What Customers Say

People are thoroughly impressed with the powerful suction and long-lasting battery, allowing it to tackle most everyday cleaning projects in your home. People also love the ease of use it offers, thanks to functional autonomy that doesn’t need to be actively babysat like others. People also love the addition of a mop, automating and freeing them from yet another home chore.

There are people who wish the mop was more effective, noting it has difficulty tackling tougher tasks. Some users may have received defective units, noting that their robot was unable to hold a charge out of the box. Thankfully this can be remedied by contacting Kyvol’s customer support.

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10Big Features at a Modest Price

Impressive smart features at a fraction of the cost.

This affordable robotic vacuum is packed with an array of great features considering its price. It offers advanced options typically seen in higher-priced models, such as app support, voice control, and automatically docking when needing to recharge. It performs well, offering cleaning power from 500–1000 Pa, depending on which cleaning mode you’re using. It features a runtime of up to 120 minutes, is 3.3 inches tall, has a 300 ML dustbin, and is fairly quiet when operating.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (101)The Good

A great thing about this vacuum is the versatility it provides, both in cleaning capability and user experience. You can control it with a manual remote control, through the mobile app, or even by using Alexa voice commands. There are multiple cleaning modes available, such as spot cleaning, edge cleaning, and single room cleaning options. Anti-collision and drop sensors keep it from damaging furniture or falling down the stairs. This robot is also quiet enough to run overnight.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (102)The Not-So-Good

With a rather plain plastic design it’s not exactly an eye-catcher, so it may not be the best choice if aesthetics are a main concern. It may get stuck in more cluttered areas, and connectivity with your mobile device can be buggy at times. With all the cleaning modes available, it may take a while to find the one that works best for various situations. It’s also taller and could get stuck under some low-clearance furniture. Additionally, the only smart home system it supports is Alexa.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (103)What Customers Say

Many praise this robot as a great everyday cleaner, with some noting it is quiet enough to potentially run throughout the night. People enjoy its cleaning capability, readily tackling most crumbs, debris, and dust spilled. People also enjoy how it effortlessly navigates between surfaces without becoming confused or stuck.

One common complaint was the small dustbin and having to empty it so often, along with cleaning out the brush roller. A few customers said it tripped the cliff sensors on dark floors and rugs.

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11Smartest AI Vacuum Robot

Intelligent ReactiveAI robot with precision navigation and long-lasting battery.

Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Mop and Vacuum can detect small obstacles using its twin camera’s ReactiveAI technology. The three-hour battery life of this device sets it apart from other vacuum robots in its category. The Roborock S6 comes with a moping water tank of 297 ml capacity, and as a vacuum, it generates a Hyper Suction Force of 2500 pa. Not only that, but the navigation, routing, and mapping capabilities of this device are top-quality.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (109)The Good

High-Precision LiDar Navigation allows the Roborock S6 MaxV to precisely map a cleaning area for future operations. It features two cameras that provide this device true vision for efficiently detecting and avoiding any obstacles in its path. The Robot offers 2500 Pa of suction capabilities, which is 25% higher than the previous model and can be easily controlled via voice or app commands. The three-hour battery time of this vacuum robot also provides it an edge over other machines in its category.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (110)The Not-So-Good

Firmware updates are essential for any device, and the same is true for the Roborock S6 MaxV. That said, these updates can be a little time- consuming and bothersome until configured correctly. Another downside some users have experienced is issues with the main brush getting stuck, though this issue seems fairly uncommon. However, others have noted the S6 MaxV has trouble with darker color carpets, so be cautious if all your floors are dark.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (111)What Customers Say

Customers find this robot vacuum to be more technologically advanced and efficient when compared to other big names in the market. The mapping capabilities of this device are fast and to the point. Others love how the ReactiveAI technology allows the S6 MaxV to operate smoothly and avoid all obstacles. Many noted how good it was at building an internal model of the house without needing to be babysat.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (112)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (113)

    Roborock S6

    Price: High

    The Roborock S6 is an upgrade from Roborock’s popular S5 model. This design packs in some powerful smart tech improvements and performance. It’s quite similar to the powerful S6 MaxV, only lacking some of the power and functionality, such as less suction and less wattage. Aesthetically, it’s still the same barebones white, black, or rose gold and the same dimensions. It comes with a compact charging dock, extra filters, brush cleaning tool, 5 disposable and 2 reusable mop cloths, and a brush cleaning tool. Read more >

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (114)

    Roborock S5

    Price: High

    The Roborock S5 is cheaper and more basic than the S6, but still a worthy competitor for higher-priced brands. It acts as both a robot mop and vacuum, with 4 vacuum modes plus a versatile app with mapping that includes cleaning zones and virtual barriers. It can save up to 3 floor plans. The carpet boost function automatically adjusts suction for different flooring types. Unlike the S6, it doesn’t have Alexa or Google voice control, nor can you select individual rooms and zones. Read more >

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12Affordable and Effective

Basic and effective affordable robotic vacuum.

iLife serves up a solid budget option with this hybrid robotic mop and vacuum. The V8s is a simple machine with little in terms of smart technology or features. But for people who prefer simplicity or those purchasing their very first robot, this may be an excellent option. It’s a better vacuum than mop, although the feature is serviceable. It features a solid runtime of over an hour and a half, as well as a generously large dustbin.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (120)The Good

The simplicity of this machine makes it very user-friendly. Those new to robots and the less tech-savvy among us will appreciate not needing to rely on a smartphone app to use it. One notable perk is its scheduling feature, allowing you to set cleaning times based on your time. It runs up to 100 minutes on a single charge, and automatically re-docks when the battery is low.

There’s a generous 750 ML dustbin, six unique cleaning modes, and a remote control to operate it manually. To mop, simply pop out the dustbin and replace with the water tank, the machine will intelligently control water flow to prevent spillage.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (121)The Not-So-Good

While the scheduling feature is nice, setting it up is akin to texting on a flip-phone with repetitive button pushing. It’s not very intuitive either, so you’ll likely need the user manual to help guide you through the process. It’s not the best at discerning hard floors from low-pile rugs and carpeting, so it may get those wet.

Mopping performance is also generally light-duty, as it doesn’t have enough friction to handle stuck-on dirt or scuff marks.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (122)What Customers Say

Older customers and those with back problems found this to be a great alternative to using their upright vacuums so often. Many users appreciated its solid obstacle avoidance and noticed it didn’t get stuck as often as other models.

Some customers with pets that tend to shed heavily found that the suction nozzle easily clogged with hair which ultimately inhibited performance. Some also wished it had less of a random pattern and better cleaning coverage.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (123)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (124)

    ILIFE V5s Pro

    Price: Low

    The V5s Pro is a budget-friendly but feature-rich offering from iLife. It offers a battery runtime of up to 120 minutes, and is smaller and lighter than the V8s at 3” high and only weighing 4.5 pounds. It comes with an impressive list of features given it’s inexpensive price. However, scheduling vacuuming isn’t quite as advanced as the V8s as you can only schedule time of day, where the V8s allows you to schedule specific cleaning days and times.

    You can find out more about the iLife V5s Pro in our detailed review here>

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13Great for Smaller Homes

Simpler option for those who don’t require a ton of features.

Bissell is synonymous with floor cleaning and vacuuming, so it’s no surprise they’ve entered the robotic vacuum industry. This model works well on hard floors, area rugs, and low-pile carpeting. It’s not loaded with an array of smart features, however it is a solid option for homeowners buying on a budget. It can be operated with an included remote control which you can use to schedule cleanings too. It features a runtime of up to 100 minutes, is taller at 3.5 inches, fairly heavy at 4 pounds, and comes with a 1 year warranty.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (130)The Good

This model has a simple yet somewhat futuristic look to it, which is appreciated. Many users will appreciate the simplicity of operation and ease of use. The remote control allows you to create custom schedules and activate various cleaning modes, and even manually operate the device if needed. It automatically adjusts suction based on different types of flooring. It’s a good choice for small homes and apartments with mostly bare floors or low-pile carpeting. It also cleans well in corners and against walls thanks to the side sweeper brushes.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (131)The Not-So-Good

As a simpler option, it features no app support or voice assistant integration. It does not perform well on anything thicker than an area rug. The 100 minute runtime means it’ll need to recharge a couple of times to clean a larger home. It doesn’t store location information, so it has to start the cycle over each time it leaves the dock instead of remembering where it had been. It features no obstacle detection and may often bump into things. Since cleaning patterns seem to be random, it may not finish a room before recharging.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (132)What Customers Say

Customers with small homes such as studio apartments are happy with this vacuum. They feel it’s a good value for their money to help them clean their smaller space. Many pet owners said it did a good job with cleaning up pet hair. Many users enjoy that you can direct the vacuum with the remote and even schedule cleaning times.

Some customers weren’t happy about the lack of mobile app or voice controls, although the omission of these features is common at this price. There were also several that weren’t happy with the relatively short battery life and how often it needs to be recharged.

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14Great Choice for Pet Hair

Great option with intelligent mapping and smart home integration.

This little bot eschews traditional circular design for a D-shape featuring a distinct straight side. This innovation allows it to clean corners and along walls far better than other models. It’s fairly tall at 3.9 inches, which includes the height of the turret where the sensors are housed. It also features a modest but effective 0.7 L dustbin. Technophiles will appreciate the smart home integration as well as the advanced mapping and navigation features. Battery life is up to 120 minutes. It’s a great option for pet hair on hard floors and low-pile carpeting.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (138)The Good

The Botvac D7 Includes magnetic dividing strips that you can cut up to establish no-go zones in your home, although you can also set up virtual no-go zones in the included app too. The virtual mapping allows you to create a map for the bot that’s much more versatile than using the strips alone.

Not only does this vacuum work with Alexa and Google Home, but it also IFTTT which has yet to be adopted by most competitors. It features a large brush roller to effectively collect dust and debris, and tends to move quickly compared to others.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (139)The Not-So-Good

The Botvac D7 isn’t cheap and is similar to the Roomba 900 series in price. It may take a few times to accurately map cleaning areas. If the sensors get dirty, obstacle avoidance could malfunction, letting it run into walls and furniture. It’s also rather loud at up to 67 dB.

Connectivity can be a challenge, with the bot often losing floor plans, requiring remapping of the space.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (140)What Customers Say

Customers really loved the versatility of establishing no-go zones to keep the bot out of certain rooms or areas that housed power and charging cords. Many pet owners were happy how well it managed to clean up their pets’ hair. Some suggested using the “gentle navigation” mode to prevent damage to walls and other items should the sensors fail.

Several users were unhappy with the occasional connectivity issues, and how the device could lose an entire floor plan from a single piece of furniture being moved. A few also noted a design flaw that required repairs, as fur can get sucked into a gap between the brush and housing.

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The Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair: The iRobot Roomba s9+

Our rating: 9.7

Price: High

If you have feline or canine friends living with you, you’ll want a robotic vacuum for pet hair that’s superb at sucking up canine and feline fuzz and dander. That would be the iRobot Roomba s9+, the best robot vacuum for pet hair. That’s because it not only eradicates pet fuzz like few other robotic vacuums on the market but has other features that ensure your floors remain clean as a whistle without you needing to lift a finger.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (145)

Features to Look for in Robotic Vacuums for Pet Hair

If you’re looking for the best dog hair robot vacuum, there are certain features it needs to have. All the following come standard with the Robot Roomba s9+:

Automatic Carpet Detection

If you’re searching for an automatic floor cleaner that’s fantastic at getting rid of pet hair, you’ll want one able to boost its power whenever it detects carpet. That’s because pet hair can get deeply embedded in rugs, and unless a robovac has this ability, it’ll struggle to get rid of cat and dog fuzz.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (146)

Bristle-Free Rubber Brushes

It’s best to get a model with all-rubber brushes if you have pets living with you. These kinds of brushes don’t have bristles or nylon fibers which can cause pet fur to get tangled.

Exceptional Filtration

If you’re allergic to animals, a robotic vacuum cleaner can minimize the amount of pet hair in your home, which goes a long way toward reducing symptoms. If you want the best filtration capability, look for a model with a HEPA filter.

Self-Emptying Dock

Consider getting a robotic vacuum with self-emptying abilities. With this feature, your bot removes the contents of its onboard dustbin into a larger one in the dock all by itself, requiring no assistance from you.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (147)

While you’ll need to empty the larger collection canister eventually, you’ll only have to do it once every 30 to 60 days. And when you do, the dirt and debris will be in a sealed bag, ensuring you never get your hands dirty and don’t accidentally dust back into the air.

This helps keep allergy symptoms at bay. If you’re ready to invest in a robot vacuum for pet hair, read more about robot vacuums for pet hair.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (148)

The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra: The Best Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum

Our rating: 9.9

Price: High

If you want the best self-emptying robot vacuum, look no further than the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra. This exceptional bot is the ultimate in robotic autonomy, able to empty its own dustbin, wash its own mop, and refill its own water tank. 5,100 Pa of robust suction power, cutting-edge LiDAR, and superb mopping abilities round out the list of top features.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (150)

Because an AI-enabled camera helps the MaxV Ultra steer clear of obstacles, you don’t have to pick up before unleashing this bot on your dirty floors. You can even use the bot as a moving security camera, which helps ensure nobody tries to break into your home. It can lift its mopping pads when it detects carpet, so your rugs won’t get drenched.

The Beauty of Self-Emptying Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Robot vacuums with self-emptying capabilities drastically cut down on the amount of manual housework you need to do, making them indispensable labor-saving devices. If you want to reduce your housekeeping duties even further, consider getting a model with automatic bin-emptying abilities.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (151)

When a self-emptying robovac returns to home base after a cleaning session, it empties its onboard dustbin into the bigger canister. When the disposal bag inside it gets full, the bot will let you know via the app.

When this happens, you’ll need to swap it out for an empty one. How often you’ll need to do this depends on how frequently you clean and how dirty your floors get. Typically, you’ll need to do this task once every month or two.

Features That Make Self-Emptying Robotic Vacuums a Good Buy

  1. Makes Robotic Vacuum Cleaners More Self-Sufficient – Self-emptying robovacs dramatically cut down on how often you need to manually empty dirt and debris. This makes a device that was already pretty self-sufficient even more so.
  2. Limits Dust Exposure – When you empty a robot’s vacuum dustbin, some of the collected dust escapes into your household air. This can aggravate allergy symptoms, necessitating wearing a mask. With a self-emptying robovac, you won’t have to wear one. That’s because they have collection canisters with bags that automatically seal after they get full. Because they can hold up to sixty days’ worth of debris, you hardly ever need to empty them.
  3. Consummate Multitaskers – Many self-emptying robotic vacuums not only suck up dirt but can also mop your floors, which makes them consummate multitaskers. If you want to compare self-emptying robotic vacuum cleaners, read more about self emptying robot vacuums.

The yeedi Vac X: The Best Budget Robot Vacuum

5Best for the price

Superb entry-level robo-vac with impressive features.

Robotic vacuum cleaners have made enormous strides in the last several years. Cutting-edge features such as advanced algorithms powering a state-of-the art electronic brain, laser-enabled navigational systems, and more suction power than ever often don’t come cheap. However, the yeedi Vac X has the functionality of a robo-vacuum that costs twice as much. In fact, it’s one of the best robotic cleaning machines you can buy at this price point.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (155)The Good

Nobody wants to do more house cleaning than they need to. When you buy this affordable yet highly effective robotic cleaner, you’ll enjoy the exquisite freedom of doing things a little more meaningful than housework.

Pet owners will particularly love the yeedi Vac X. That’s because with 300 Pa of suction, your home will no longer be so plagued with so much pet hair that it looks like a huge doggie stuffed animal exploded.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (156)The Not-So-Good

yeedi’s voice is a bit too loud, even when you have it on the lowest setting. If this is potentially a deal breaker for you, you’ll be ecstatic to find out that there’s a way to switch it off. The dustbin could probably be a tad bigger. If it was, you wouldn’t have to empty it so much.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (157)What Customers Say

Parents of infants love how effectively the yeedi Vac X sucks up all the snack crumbs their babies invariably drop all over the place. Because parenting is a thankless job that’s a lot of work, these individuals are beyond grateful that there’s a way to cut down their workload—even if it’s only a little bit.

Other users like how the unit can be upgraded by adding a mopping module or a self-emptying dock. These two features make an already superb unit even better.

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The yeedi Vac X is the best cheap robot vacuum. It comes with features you wouldn’t expect to find in such an affordable vacuum cleaner robot. For starters, there’s visual mapping technology and a floor tracking sensor that expertly guides the bot through your home, helping to ensure that cleaning is efficient as possible.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (160)

Yeedi Vac X – Best cheap robot with 3000 Pa

3000 Pa of strong suction team up with high-quality brushes to capture pet hair and other debris embedded in rugs. Because it can detect carpeting when traveling from one flooring type to another, it can automatically boost suction to better suck up filth. All this means that when you invest in the yeedi Vac X, you’ll get the best value for your money.

Why Buy a Cheap Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Won’t Break the Bank

A good robot vacuum cleaner needs to be able to get rid of floor crud such as pet hair, snack crumbs, and itty-bitty pieces of paper. It should also have excellent navigational abilities, expertly maneuvering around obstacles as it sucks up gunk. While finding all these features in an affordable model can be challenging, it’s not impossible.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (161)

It used to be that you had to shell out $1,000 or more to get a decent robotic vacuum cleaner. These days, plenty of affordable options won’t bust your budget, costing $300 or less on average.

In this price range, you’re not going to get a robotic vacuum cleaner with all the bells and whistles, and that might mean you’ll need to decide which features are most important to you. For example, you might want a model with the most suction power over one you can remotely control with your phone.

However, plunking down four figures for a robotic vacuum cleaner doesn’t always guarantee that it’ll meet your needs better than a cheaper model. That’s because if you’re living in a small apartment, you might only need a basic robovac that can adequately clean the floors in your tiny space and not much else.

More Compact

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (162)

Many inexpensive robovacs are more compact than their more expensive counterparts, which is terrific if you have low-to-the-ground furniture. This means your bot might be able to get into places that you can’t with a conventional vacuum cleaner.

Because smaller robot vacuums are more agile, they’re less likely to get stuck between two pieces of furniture. If you’re in the market for an affordable robotic vacuum cleaner, read our article before making a purchasing decision.

Best Robot Vacuum for Hardwood Floors: The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

1Most autonomous

Consummate multitasker with all the bells and whistles you need.

If you’re looking for an exceptional two-in-one vacuum/mop robot, consider the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra. It’s a quantum leap in the evolution of robotic cleaning machines. Prior to the appearance of the S7 MaxV Ultra on the technological stage, hybrid machines, while being more or less autonomous, were missing crucial functionality that would have made them satisfyingly hands free.

With some groundbreaking features no other machine on the market has, the S7 MaxV Ultra has changed all that.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (166)The Good

For starters, it can empty its own dustbin, wash its own pad after mopping, and refill its water tank when it runs out. Your trusty bot carries out all these actions with minimal intervention from you.

An added bonus is you don’t need to do any prep beforehand—unlike many other robotic cleaning machines. This means you won’t have to pick up objects the unit might see as obstacles, such as kids’ toys or socks.

That’s because the S7 MaxV Ultra has one of the best obstacle avoidance systems ever devised.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (167)The Not-So-Good

Some users have had the curious experience of the unit thinking that shadows are actual objects that must be avoided at all costs. This might be due to an algorithm that needs a little tweaking.

Nonreusable bags collect dirt and debris instead of a reusable dustbin. In future iterations of this model, that should be changed. That would make owning the unit a little more cost-effective with less environmental impact.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (168)What Customers Say

Lots of users are impressed with how intelligent the Roborock S7 MaxV is compared to other robotic cleaning machines. The unit creates a granular map of every level of your home in both 3D and 2D. You can access this data to clean a specific area instead of an entire floor and to create no-go zones, among other things.

Other customers love that the unit has plenty of power to take care of all their vacuuming and mopping needs. With 5100 Pa of suction and the innovative use of sonic vibration technology, your floors will never look cleaner!

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (169)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (170)

    Roborock S7 MaxV Plus

    Price: High

    The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra comes with the empty wash fill dock, while the Plus only has the more basic auto-empty dock. The auto-empty dock doesn’t wash the mop pads, whereas the empty wash fill dock does. The auto-empty dock doesn’t have the ability to clean itself. On the other hand, the empty wash fill dock does. Lastly, unlike the empty wash fill dock, the auto-empty dock doesn’t have a reservoir that automatically fills the onboard water tank.

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (171)

    Roborock S7 MaxV

    Price: Average

    The only difference between the Roborock S7 MaxV and the Ultra is that the latter comes with the empty wash fill dock. This means that you’ll have to empty the onboard dustbin and dirty water tank and wash the mopping cloth yourself instead of having the dock do it for you. If you’d rather things be more autonomous, consider getting the Ultra. The time and energy you save will more than make up for the added cost.

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The Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra is hands down the best robotic vacuum for hardwood floors. This highly autonomous hybrid machine empties its own dustbin, refills its own water tank, and washes its own mop pads. It features revolutionary sonic mopping that uses patented vibrating pads to scrub away dried-on dirt and debris, resulting in unrivaled cleaning performance.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (174)

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra has a Leading-edge Navigation System

The S7 MaxV Ultra has a leading-edge navigation system that uses advanced LiDAR sensors to plot the most efficient route through your home. Onboard cameras identify common household hazards such as power cords, slippers, and pet waste so your bot can deftly avoid them.

Because it generates detailed maps of your entire space, it can target ultra-specific areas for cleaning, such as the perimeter of your dining room table. Pinpoint mapping also lets you set up no-go zones if you don’t want your bot vacuum to clean in certain areas, such as the room where your child is celebrating her tenth birthday.

Can Robotic Vacuums Clean Hardwood Floors

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (175)

Hardwood floors are gorgeous, with an old-fashioned aesthetic appeal that’s irresistible. However, the upkeep required to keep them looking nice can be a little disheartening. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, consider outsourcing part of the job to an automatic floor cleaner. They can sweep your hardwood floors for you, and some of them can even mop.

If you only need a robotic vacuum to clean your hardwood floors, you’re in luck. That’s because this is an area where vacuum robots have always excelled. Sucking up debris from hardwood floors is much easier for a robotic vacuum cleaner than it is on carpeting. That’s because hardwood floors have no fibers for dirt and debris to get embedded in, and bare, even surfaces are easier to maneuver on.

Scratch-Free Clean

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (176)

If you have hardwood floors in your home, you need to ensure that whichever method you use to clean them doesn’t end up scratching them. That’s why you’ll be happy to know that robot vacuums have soft rubber wheels and brushes that pull in dirt without scuffing up your floors.

Hybrid Machines

Some cleaning robots are supreme multitaskers, with sweeping and mopping functionality all in one incredible machine. These devices first suck up all the dirt and debris from your hardwood floors.

Then, they mop, giving your floors a radiant shine. If you’re worried that your beautiful hardwood floors will get damaged from topcoat-damaging commercial cleaners, you’ll be happy to know they only need water to do their job. Find out which robot vacuums for hardwood floors we recommend in our guide.

iRobot Roomba s9+: Best Robot Vacuum for Carpet and Rugs

3Premium and Powerful Cleaner

Top of the line technology for hands-off, thorough performance.

iRobot’s newest Roomba is quickly becoming a fan favorite. With several design upgrades, a self-emptying bin, and its ability to pair up with a robot mop — floor cleaning has never been this automated. It offers an array of innovative features many robot vacuums simply don’t offer. Thanks to its powerful cleaning capability, we readily recommend this as one the best options for pet owners. Unfortunately, this premium product also comes with a premium price tag.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (180)The Good

The unique D-shape and corner brushes allow the s9+ to clean corners better than any Roomba before it. A HEPA-style filter and fully sealed dustbin keep allergens safely contained. Unlike previous models, the s9+ doesn’t avoid dark flooring or rugs. Improved suction power and better brush rollers helps it deep clean almost anything, even thick carpeting.

The s9 is also compatible with iRobot’s Braava Jet m6 robotic mop. The robot can be controlled through the iHOME app, or by using voice commands through Alexa or Google Assistant.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (181)The Not-So-Good

It’s one of the more costly options on our list, so it won’t fit the average homeowner’s budget. There’s no carry handle for easy transporting between rooms or floor levels. Given its advanced nature, it may not be the best option for those who aren’t tech-savvy or who have poor WiFi.

The corner brushes tend to wear out quickly, especially on thicker carpeting. It’s also fairly loud, especially when emptying at it’s Clean Base. Maps can also not be shared between older models or with the Braava Jet m6 mop.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (182)What Customers Say

Customers absolutely love the self-emptying bin and the extra degree of autonomy it provides. They also love the improved suction and better carpet cleaning capability. Pet owners were impressed with this machine for how much hair it picked up without getting clogged, and without them having to empty the bin themselves.

Early adopters who purchased the first round of s9 robots have had some issues with software bugs. Several complained that the corner brushes wore out quickly. Many felt it took a bit too long for the s9 to autonomously learn floor plans.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (183)

Take a Look At These Alternative Models:

  • Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (184)

    iRobot Roomba i7+

    Price: High

    The Roomba i7+ is the first robot vacuum capable of emptying its own dustbin. With a battery run time of up to 90 minutes, the i7 covers a lot of ground while picking up a ton of hair and other debris that can clog other vacuums. With Imprint Smart-Mapping, the i7 learns your floor plan in just 2 to 3 cycles, seamlessly avoiding furniture and other obstacles. The iHOME app gives you an infinite array of control possibilities from scheduling times, choosing rooms, creating maps, and more.

    Find out more with our detailed review of the iRobot Roomba i7+ >

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With 2500 Pa of dust-busting suction, the s9+ is the best carpet robotic vacuum cleaner. It boasts intelligent dirt detection technology that boosts cleaning power when encountering a particularly filthy region of your home.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (187)

Larger-than-normal multi-surface brushes increase the unit’s ability to capture dirt, and automatic dustbin disposal means you’ll never need to get your fingers dirty. The onboard high-efficiency filter and fully sealed dustbin keep allergens safely contained. If you’re looking for a full-service floor cleaner, you’ll be happy to know that the s9+ is compatible with iRobot’s Braava Jet m6 robotic mop.

Are Robot Vacuums Good on Carpets

If you’ve got carpets you need to keep clean, consider investing in a robotic vacuum cleaner. While a conventional canister or upright machine requires you to lug it around, a robot sweeper can do the job without you needing to lift a finger.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (188)

However, the thicker your carpet, the harder it is for a robovac to clean. That’s why it’s crucial you find the one best suited for this type of job.

NOTE: When considering which vacuum cleaner to buy for thick carpet, you first need to consider how much power it has. Look for a robovac with at least 2,000 Pa of suction to ensure that unit has plenty of firepower. A robot vacuum for carpets should also have a turbo boost feature that automatically kicks in when the machine senses carpet.

That way, you can be sure that your cleaning bot is always using the right amount of power for the job. Other features—such as self-emptying functionality, voice controls, and the ability to map multiple house floors- are nice to have but not essential.

Can a Robotic Vacuum Ruin Your Carpet?

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (189)

While there’s only a slim chance that a robovac will ruin your rugs, you must be careful of loose carpet strings and rugs with fringed ends. Some units will get stuck in them, which could damage your soft floor coverings.

If you want to keep your frilly rug, consider investing in a robotic dust buster that allows you to set no-go zones. That way, you can declare your fancy carpet off-limits using virtual technology. If you want to learn more about robot vacuums for carpets and rugs, check out our article.

The Disadvantages of Robot Vacuums Compared to Conventional Ones

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (190)

While robotic vacuums are more technologically sophisticated than when they first came out, they still aren’t able to replace conventional cleaners. For starters, robotic vacuum cleaners aren’t as thorough and as powerful as their more traditional counterparts. Another area where automatic vacuums fall short is sucking up pet hair deeply embedded in thick, plush carpet. For this task, you might need an old-fashioned upright.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (191)

Traditional vacuums are more powerful but require your time

There’s also something to be said for the ability to check for missed spots—which only a human wielding a conventional vacuum can do. However, the beauty of a cleaning robot is that if it misses a spot one day, it’ll typically catch it the next if you’re running it every day.

Ways in Which Robotic Vacuum Cleaners Are Better Than Old-Fashioned Ones

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (192)

In many ways, sweeper vacuums are superior to manual machines. For example, a dust-sucking bot is relatively autonomous and can work independently with minimal human intervention.

Program your auto vacuum ahead of time, and it’ll toil tirelessly to clean your floors while you’re away at work or running errands. On the other hand, with an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner, you need to laboriously lug it around, getting all sweaty and tired in the process.

Features to Consider When Buying a Robot Sweeper

Plenty of Power

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (193)

If you want your robotic vacuum cleaner to have superior cleaning ability, you need to ensure that it produces enough power, which is measured in Pascals, or Pa. A Pascal measures the difference between normal atmospheric pressure and the internal pressure of a vacuum cleaner. The more significant the difference, the stronger the suction.

For most cleaning needs, you’ll want a robotic vacuum with at least 2,000 Pa of suction. However, if you’re only using your dust-busting droid to clean hard floors and not carpet, you can probably get away with using a model with less power. That’s because units with low suction can usually pick up dust and debris from hard surfaces but lack the power to suck out dirt from carpets.

Self-Emptying Capability

One great thing about self-emptying robotic vacuum cleaners is that when their onboard dirt collectors are full, they return to home base to empty all the gunk they picked up into a larger canister. This container is typically so big you only need to do this every 30 to 60 days. Usually, the vac’s smartphone app will alert you when it’s time to do this. And when you do, all the dirt and debris will be in a sealed disposable paper bag, so you won’t get all that disgusting stuff all over your hands.

NOTE: This feature is a dream come true for allergy sufferers who will no longer be exposed to the cough-inducing dust that gets expelled into the air when emptying the contents of an onboard dirt collector.

Wi-Fi Connectivity

An automatic floor cleaner with Wi-Fi connectivity is something you probably should get if you want the operation of your unit to be as hands-free as possible. This feature allows you to remotely control your bot without touching the buttons on the unit itself.

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Cheaper models typically aren’t able to connect to a home Wi-Fi network. While you won’t be able to control a cleaning droid that can’t connect to Wi-Fi with an app or voice commands, you usually get a remote control that lets you operate your unit without needing to fiddle with the onboard controls.

What’s fantastic about robovacs that connect to Wi-Fi is you’re able to schedule your cleaning sessions, whether that’s once a day, twice a day, once a week, or any other interval. This feature makes robotic vacuums even more autonomous. Many Wi-Fi-enabled models are compatible with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, so you can command your electronic servant to do your bidding using voice alone.

Exceptional Filtration Capabilities

If you’re an allergy sufferer, look for a robotic vacuum cleaner with exceptional filtration capabilities, including the ability to capture dog and cat dander. Also, ensure that whichever model you buy has brushes and rollers that are effective in picking up both short and long pet hair.

The Ability to Choose No-Go Zones

The ability to create “no-go” zones is something you’ll want in a bot vacuum if you have areas in your home where you don’t want it to go. For example, the back of an entertainment center where there are a lot of loose, dangling wires or your child’s playroom. That way, your cleaning droid won’t accidentally eat cords or scare your kid.

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Hybrid Models That Do the Work of Two Machines in One

Buying a hybrid vacuum cleaner takes two of the most dreaded housekeeping chores and eliminates them with one incredible machine. Features such as sonic mopping, the mop head lifting when detecting carpet, so your rugs don’t get drenched, and exceptional air filtration makes these multitasking bots vastly superior to earlier models.

Robot Vacuums with Smart Mapping

These days, most automatic floor cleaners are able to generate detailed virtual maps of your home, which is called “smart mapping”. This means that instead of randomly ping-ponging from one end of your house to the other, your bot internalizes the layout. They use the maps they create to plot the most efficient cleaning path, thereby doing more cleaning in less time.

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This also allows you to direct your bot to clean only the rooms you want it to without blocking sections of your residence off with unsightly pieces of cardboard or magnetic tape (like you had to do years ago). If you’re in your study working feverishly to finish that novel you’ve been writing, you can set up a virtual wall via an app, so your trusty little bot won’t disturb you.

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Units that generate maps of your home are able to remember where the places dangerous to robots or obstacles are, such as stairs, a heating grate in the floor, or a potted plant. This helps prevent your bot from getting stuck or taking a nasty tumble down the stairs.

With targeted cleaning made possible by smart mapping, you can program your bot to clean under the dining room table immediately after your kids devour their dinner. That way, you don’t have to watch your trusty little droid travel from one end of your house to the other before finally getting to all the food crumbs on the dining room floor.

Home Security

There’s another way floor sweeper robots can multitask besides mopping: as a roving home security system. Models with this surprising ability allow you to view a live feed of your home and all its contents—even if you’re on the other side of the planet. While the primary reason for this is to monitor the progress your robovac is making cleaning your residence, you can also use it to ensure that no intruders enter the sanctity of your domestic sanctuary.

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Your faithful bot protects your premises by sensing movement while you’re away. If it does, it’ll send you photos of what’s going on. That way, you’ll know instantly if a would-be thief is trying to rob you blind, and you can call the police.

Obstacle Avoidance

One of the best things about robotic vacuum cleaners is the ability to clean while you’re away from your residence. However, you’ll need to either clear your floors of potential booby traps such as dog toys, socks, and shoes before leaving your house or plunk down your hard-earned money for a dust-busting bot with exceptional obstacle avoidance abilities.

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The more advanced robotic vacuum cleaners use machine learning technology to recognize obstacles in their path in real-time and automatically reroute around them. That way, a dirt-devouring droid won’t constantly get stuck on objects lying on the floor. Because these kinds of robovacs can proactively maneuver around obstructions instead of bumping into them, you won’t even need to clear your carpets and hard flooring before sending your bot out on a cleaning mission.

A robotic vacuum cleaner should have cliff detection sensors to avoid the expensive and headache-inducing scenario of it ending up at the bottom of the stairs in a crumpled heap and damaged beyond repair because it got too close to the edge and took a tumble. For multi-level homes, a model that incorporates this technology is a must.

Run Time

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (200)

These days, robotic vacuum cleaners are powered by long-lasting lithium-ion (Li-ion), lead acid, nickel-cadmium (NiCd), or nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. Moreover, because they automatically return to their charging docks when their batteries run out, you won’t ever need to hunt them down to bring them back to home base yourself. Entry-level bots typically have batteries with enough charge to run for up to 90 minutes, while more technologically advanced models can last up to 180 minutes.

If you live in a tiny apartment, a unit with 90 minutes of charge time might be sufficient. However, if you have a big home or pets that shed an astronomical amount of pet hair, you might need a model with two hours or more of battery life capable of covering 2,000 or more feet on a single charge.

Quiet Operation

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Robot vacuum frees you up to enjoy your life without any noise

Some robotic vacuum cleaners are loud, with decibel levels that could disturb neighbors if you live in an apartment complex, upset your pets if they detest loud sounds, or rouse your sleeping baby. However, robovacs that operate at lower decibel levels might not be as powerful as their noisier counterparts. This means you’ll need to balance quietness of operation with ensuring that your cleaning bot has enough power to suck up all the dirt and debris in your home.

Flooring Type

Try to factor in the kinds of floors your home has before deciding which robotic vacuum cleaner to buy. If you don’t have carpeting in your home, a model that doesn’t clean rugs all that well but is fantastic on hard floors might be good enough. However, if you have carpets where you live, you’ll need a model that is not only exceptional at getting dirt and debris out of rugs but also able to boost suction when transitioning from one floor type to another.

How to Clean a Floor Sweeper Robot

If you own a smart vacuum robot, here’s what you should do to keep it maintained:

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (202)

  1. Shake out the dust and debris in the filter every couple of cleaning sessions
  2. Regularly cut away hair trapped in the brush roll (most units come with a tool that helps you do this)
  3. Replace the filter and side brushes twice yearly, the brush roll once annually, and the battery every two years or so
  4. Use a can of compressed air to blow dust out of the gears
  5. Clean the bearings on the side brushes, brush roll, and caster every two weeks (you might need a screwdriver to do this)
  6. Regularly clean the sensors with a microfiber cloth or cotton swab with a bit of water or rubbing alcohol (this is to ensure that your bot can “see” your home)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are Robotic Vacuums Worth It?

    If you’re like most people, you’re deluged with a tidal wave of responsibilities. You’ve got to take your little ones to afternoon soccer practice, cook dinner for your family, take your car in for an oil change, and a zillion other things. That’s why for most people, plunking down your hard-earned money for a labor- and a time-saving robotic vacuum cleaner is a no-brainer.

    Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (203)

    Robot vacuums are an amazing quality-of-life investment

    These days, robotic vacs are much more technologically advanced than their predecessors to the point where they’re almost as powerful as conventional vacuums. Prices have dropped significantly in the last few years, making them cost-competitive with the best upright and canister vacs.For individuals with kids who are constantly dropping snack crumbs, dogs that shed at a prodigious rate, and a significant other with an uncanny knack for tracking dirt all over the place, you might find them to be a godsend.

    Can I Buy an Automatic Floor Sweeper That Doesn’t Bump Into Furniture?

    Once upon a time, robovacs slammed into furniture with alarming regularity. These days, many automatic robotic vacuums come with cutting-edge obstacle avoidance technology. While it might completely eliminate the possibility of a bot crashing into a sofa or dining room chair, this is something that’s becoming increasingly rare.

    Obstacle avoidance technology might mean you won’t need to pick up a floor of toys and other junk before ordering your bot out on a cleaning run. That’s because a battery of advanced sensors will “see” objects in its path so it can deftly avoid them.

    What’s the Best Robot Vacuum on the Market?

    The Roborock S7 is the best robot vacuum on the market. With the ability to mop and vacuum, it’s a fantastic labor-saving device that can do much of the work that goes into taking care of a home for you. It even can steer clear of canine feces, which prevents a disgusting mess.

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    Roborock S7 is the Best!

    It’s the ultimate in self-sufficiency, able to empty its own onboard dirt collection container, wash its pad after mopping, and refill its water tank when it’s bone dry. The S7 has one of the best obstacle avoidance systems ever made. This means you won’t have to pick up objects the bot might see as obstacles, such as pet toys or shoes.

    How Do Robot Vacuums Work?

    A robotic vacuum cleaner automatically cleans the floors of your home, significantly cutting down on the amount of time you need to do this task yourself. Some even allow you to program them to start when you walk out the door. That way, your faithful bot can do its work while you’re at work or taking a walk in the woods, and you come home to nice clean floors. Robovacs work on most floor types, including wood, tile, laminate, and low pile carpets.

    Is It Worth It To Buy a Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum?

    Self-emptying robot vacuums have the ability to empty their onboard dustbins, depositing dust, dirt, and other debris into a sealed bag. What’s more, you only need to empty this bag once every 30 to 60 days. They’re terrific for people who don’t want to get their hands dirty. Because these models eliminate ever needing to empty the contents of a robovac into a kitchen garbage container (which tends to re-release dust back into the air) they’re fantastic for allergy sufferers.

    What’s LiDAR?

    Entry-level robot vacs randomly clean from one end of a home to the other until they suck up all the dirt. On the other hand, more advanced models navigate using sophisticated systems such as LiDAR or Light Detection and Ranging. These more technologically sophisticated units clean more efficiently, completing their work in a fraction of the time it takes a basic model.

    Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (205)

    LiDAR was a game changer when manufacturers started using it in robotic vacuum cleaners a decade ago. It’s an invisible spinning laser that not only measures a room’s size but also detects obstacles trying to prevent it from carrying out its duty to clean the floors of a house thoroughly. By scanning a floor with a laser at ground level, a robovac creates a detailed room map.

    Because LiDAR vacs create more comprehensive floor plans, they’re typically faster and more thorough than bots with less sophisticated systems because they know where all the obstacles are and the best way to clean each room. This also means that models equipped with cutting-edge LiDAR don’t bump into objects as much.

    Can Vacuum Cleaning Robots go From Hardwood to Carpet?

    Every robotic vacuum cleaner can go from hardwood to carpet and many of them have the ability to sense change in floor type. That way, they can boost suction on soft floor surfaces, which helps to suck out everything embedded in the fibers.

    Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (206)

    Performance on a carpet depends on the model.

    Also, being able to sense changes in flooring type means that if your bot is a hybrid model, it’ll lift the mop pad up so your rug doesn’t get soaked. That’s a good thing, because drenched carpets can attract mold.

    Can Automatic Vacuum Cleaners Sense Stairs?

    Many automatic robot vacuums have cliff sensors, which prevent them from taking a headlong tumble down your stairs. Cliff sensors work by constantly sending infrared signals out into a room. If the signals don’t immediately bounce back, the robovac knows that there’s danger ahead and will change direction.

    If your home has more than one story, this is an essential feature to have. That’s because if your robotic vacuum topples over on stairs, it could be irrevocably damaged or cost a lot of money to repair.

    How Long Do Robot Vacuums Last?

    Robotic vacuum cleaners are more technologically sophisticated than their upright and canister counterparts, so there’s more potential for components to break down. However, if you give your bot plenty of love and attention in the form of regular maintenance and replacing parts when needed, they should last four to six years or so.

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    Stephen A. Hanco*ck received his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Robotics Track) from University of Utah in 2004. Since then, he’s contributed to numerous articles and has been a consultant for many technical publications and websites.

    Stephen A. Hanco*ck

    Robotics Expert

    Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 2023 Reviews and Comparison (2024)
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