Deseret | American history (2024)

In Utah: Mormon settlement and territorial growth

…as the intermountain empire, or Deseret, the latter the name of a proposed state that incorporated most of present-day Arizona and Nevada, portions of Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, and approximately one-third of California. Immigrant converts continued to stream into Utah from Europe (especially from Scandinavia and the United…

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  • Deseret | American history (1)

    In Utah: Statehood of Utah

    …in 1849 under the name Deseret, a word from the sacred Book of Mormon meaning “honeybee” and signifying industry. This bid was rejected, as were the efforts of five subsequent constitutional conventions between 1856 and 1887. Before the U.S. Congress and the national administration would assent to statehood for Utah,…

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  • role of Mormons

    • Deseret | American history (2)

      In Christianity: Later developments

      …attempted to found the state Deseret, after their entrance into the desert around the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The borders of the state were expected to include the largest part of the area of the present states of Utah, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. The Mormons, however, eventually had…

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    Can Apple Seeds Kill You?

    6 Animals That Eat Their Mates

    26 Decade-Defining Events in U.S. History

    Where Is the Ark of the Covenant?

    Timeline of the Titanic’s Final Hours

    Vietnam War Timeline

    The Death of Shakespeare

    American history

    Learn about this topic in these articles:

    history of Utah

    • Deseret | American history (10)

      In Utah: Mormon settlement and territorial growth

      …as the intermountain empire, or Deseret, the latter the name of a proposed state that incorporated most of present-day Arizona and Nevada, portions of Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, and approximately one-third of California. Immigrant converts continued to stream into Utah from Europe (especially from Scandinavia and the United…

      Read More
    • Deseret | American history (11)

      In Utah: Statehood of Utah

      …in 1849 under the name Deseret, a word from the sacred Book of Mormon meaning “honeybee” and signifying industry. This bid was rejected, as were the efforts of five subsequent constitutional conventions between 1856 and 1887. Before the U.S. Congress and the national administration would assent to statehood for Utah,…

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    role of Mormons

    • Deseret | American history (12)

      In Christianity: Later developments

      …attempted to found the state Deseret, after their entrance into the desert around the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The borders of the state were expected to include the largest part of the area of the present states of Utah, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. The Mormons, however, eventually had…

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    Deseret | American history (2024)
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    Author: Carlyn Walter

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    Views: 6093

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    Author information

    Name: Carlyn Walter

    Birthday: 1996-01-03

    Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

    Phone: +8501809515404

    Job: Manufacturing Technician

    Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.